The Fenn Cup held today on Saturday 14th January will be as follows:
Course Direction:
Fenn Cup 16km Course: Start at Collaroy Beach, finish at Palm Beach (beach side near Palm Beach SLSC)
Coastal Dash 7km Course: Start at Mona Vale Basin, finish at Palm Beach (beach side near Palm Beach SLSC). All Coastal Dash competitors must register at Collaroy SLSC and attend race briefing at 1pm at Collaroy SLSC.
Registration: ALL competitors in both Fenn Cup 16km and Coastal Dash 7km race must register and collect their timing chip at Collaroy SLSC between 10am and 1pm. You can enter the race today if you have not done online.
Briefing: ALL competitors in both Fenn Cup 16km and Coastal Dash 7km must attend the race briefing at Collaroy SLSC at 1pm for final instructions.
Presentations: Will be held back at Collaroy SLSC after the finish of the race.